Looking for Santa Fe, New Mexico tattoo shops in 2024? Join us for some tattoo education in our recent podcast with Zac Sheinbaum. Zac is the owner of Shrine Tattoo.
We’re going to talk to Zach about his life as a creative person and how he’s made a living as an artist.
Shrine includes a jewelry store that my partner has opened X Bodo. It’s like a joint effort. And then as part of trying to there’s four artists working inside right now that we all sort of chipped in together to make this thing happen.
I learned under Mark Vigil at Four-Star Tattoo here. He’s taught a lot of amazing tattooers here, so it’s nice to come back and get to see him again too.
Santa Fe reporter did a nice article about the new shop that was cool to see, and I love how they kind of just broke down that kind of community of tattooers in Santa Fe and kind of how a lot of those people were connected.
Zach Sheinbaum Tattooing and Making Books
There were some artists doing tattoos in the seventies and eighties, but very few kids graduated from art school and became tattooers. So now it’s a career option, which is kind of, it’s kind of amazing, but it’s kind of surprising to me because I’ve sort of been around him for that long.
That’s actually what brought me to Santa Fe. I went to the College of Santa Fe. I’ve done, 98 and never left. And there were no tattooing courses at the College of Santa Fe.
Tattooing enables me to make a living creatively. It involves the skill set that I’ve always had even as a kid, which was focusing on these meticulous little handcrafted designs, which is basically what tattooing is. And so it was almost like it was, uh, almost felt like tattooing was made for me in my, in my ability is as a creative person
Jeffry Pitt tattooing – Painting Ancient Forms
Tattooing enables me to make a living creatively. It involves the skill set that I’ve always had even as a kid, which was focusing on these meticulous little handcrafted designs, which is basically what tattooing is. And so it was almost like it was almost felt like tattooing was made for me in my, in my ability is as a creative person.
Jen Lee | Tattooing at Tattoo City
I’m working every day, I’m painting and then I’m tattooing. I started working as a tattooer when I was 20, dropped out of school, and never looked back, but I’ve always painted. I am originally from the East Coast, but we moved to Southern California when I was a little kid, like six years old and I grew up in Southern California and then moved up here when I was 18. So, um, and then I moved around a little bit from here, but came back and I’ve mostly been here my, my adult life. So I spent some years on the East Coast. Like I lived in New York for a little while and my family is all from Pennsylvania and I’ve visited there quite a bit. Uh, and I have friends in Rhode Island and Boston and you know, so I’ve spent a lot of time out there, but uh, I’m California. I’m like Bay Area, California. Pretty pretty.